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Showing posts with the label parents guide expectations from kids

How to Set Clear Expectations for Kids: A Guide for Parents

  T ips on how to set clear expectations for kids: Be specific. Don't just say "be good," or "be respectful." Instead, tell your child exactly what you expect of them. For example, you could say " "Let's keep our voices down so we don't disturb other shoppers." Be age-appropriate. What you expect from a 3-year-old is different from what you expect from a 10-year-old. Make sure your expectations are realistic for your child's age and maturity level. Be consistent. If you set a rule, make sure you enforce it consistently. If you don't, your child will learn that they can get away with breaking the rules, which will make it harder to get them to follow your expectations in the future. Be fair. Your expectations should be fair to both you and your child. If you're expecting your child to do something that you're not willing to do yourself, they're not going to take you seriously. Be positive. When you're talking to your